Monday, March 2, 2015

I Thought Wrong...

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 5:03 AM
Hi virtual diary! This is a post about the highlights of my Feb. 24, 2015! During our IT 1 lab class,we discussed about the "Computer Hardware". I enjoyed learning about the parts and functions of each parts no matter how big or small they may be. The parts vary in sizes,color and shapes yet they provide special features that are useful and play an important role in order for the system and the computer to run and function.This exercise was another good learning experience for me and at the same time I was enlightened that the real "central processing unit" or commonly known as CPU is just that small square chip and not that entire big,black casing. This is mainly the reason why this post says "I thought wrong", because for many years that I've been encountering the term CPU, I would always refer to that big black casing with buttons and USB port in it, but it is not! Because the truth is, CPU is just that cutie square chip hiding inside! Hahaha! Another thing that I enjoyed about the discussion is that I learned about the meaning of some terms connected to several new inventions like gadgets of today so the next time I'm about to buy a new one, I'll be guided to what is the best thing to choose. ♥


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