Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Now that the semester has come to an end (FINALLY), also IT 1 would also end :( My whole IT 1 experience was like a roller coaster ride, because of its ups and downs, yet the best part of this course is that, it gave me lessons that is not limited on the four corners of a room, but can also be applied in the real world. IT 1 was challenging but fun! It was a bit boring, but the classmates and instructors made it alive! It was a full package of fun,learning and hard times! ♥ CHEERS TO A FUN-FILLED IT 1 EXPERIENCE! I hope I would pass! Haha ♥ :D


Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Hi! Last May 19, was our last formal meeting meaning with formal discussion and exercise in IT 1 lab. :( The exercise was about creating your own presentation about your IT 1 experience using IMPRESS. :D Since May is my HELL MONTH, I was just able to finish my exercise today because of my super busy schedule! I find Impress very much useful and a creative way to deal with presentations. :) I ended up having a simple impress presentation for my exercise but I assure you that what I've written in there was sincere and true. Hahaha, With that, let's USE IMPRESS TO EXPRESS! ;) ♥

Saturday, May 16, 2015

United for our Project!

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Last tuesday, May 12,2015, our lab instructor, Ma'am Drio decided to allot our lab class for planning and execution of the plans for our project in IT 1 lecture. Our topic was about the role of IT in environmental preservation. After several exchange of ideas, our class agreed on an interview type of video presentation as our project. We assigned some as script writers and researchers, some as video and graphics editors and the remaining as actors and actresses that would appear in the video. We finished tbe script on Wednesday and conducted the videoshoot last Friday. At this point, I guess, it is now on the process of editing and final touches because it is due to be submitted in Tuesday! Good luck to us labmates! Hope our efforts would bear good results! ❤❤

Amazing Google Drive!

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 7:48 AM 0 comments
After it has been postponed due to poor internet connection, finally our IT 1 lab exercise about Google Drive was already made possible last May 5, 2015. I myself have been a long time user of google including gmail but I never knew about google drive. During the discussion, I was really amazed about google drive particularly its features that is really worth a round of applause. The best part is our lab exercise in which we were grouped and each group should come up with a story of their choice but the twist is, groupmates are not alowed to talk with each other personally, rather, they have to use google docs as their way of communication. At first it was hard but as the process of our brainstorming continued, I find myself enjoying and having fun especially that we shared crazy ideas. Haha. In the end, we end up with a Fantastic 4 type of story with a touch of humor. Haha. As for me, I consider this exercise to be the best among the rest! 🙌👌

Monday, April 27, 2015

Layout &Visual Models in CSS.

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Hi! Obviously this post is about our IT 1 lab activity last April 21,2015 and the post title says what it is all about. If you're still wondering what it is, well it is basically a continuation of our HTML topic because in this activity we would have to modify and design our created website. Actually, I am not yet done with my exercise because of the so many exams I have this week and I still have to review review and review! Tomorrow will be the deadline and I hope I could finish it on time! And tomorrow will also be our IT 1 2nd lecture exam! Best of luck YZ people! I hope we get better scores this time! Today, I really want to scream and shout and let all my heavy feelings out! Our HNF 11 exam a while ago made me feel so frustrated, down and sad! I feel like I carry a great and heavy load this time and it's all because of acads! I hope time would fast forward to the end of this semester! But I still have high hopes that this semester would end happily! Haaay! So that's it, I still have to review for my IT 1 exam so bye for now! ;)


Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:33 AM 0 comments
I guess you would wonder why such a post title. High school feels? Yes! Since our IT 1 lab activity last April 14,2015 was all about HTML,a sudden flashback of high school memories suddenly occurred! Hahaha. Back in high school, we were assigned to create and design a website of our own choice and style. It was a major requirement  for out Technological Livelihood Education (TLE) subject. Hahaha. Since I'm the type of person who hates codes, and any other technical stuffs, I was really not interested in doing that requirement. I tried my very best to start and create my own, but I really don't like it and I find it hard because even just a missing comma would affect the website and I easily quit! Luckily, our teacher said that the project would now be by pair, so I grabbed my classmate who was an expert on it and made him my partner! Hahaha. So there, I was able to present a website in class! Hahaha. So HTML was really not new to me, because I've encountered it before, but today, it is very much different because I have to do it on my own! Hahaha. That's why I was really proud of myself when I was able to create a simple website as our exercise! I realized that HTML is not that hard, yes it's challenging but you'll somehow enjoy doing it! ♥ ♥

Monday, April 13, 2015

Computer Expert Just for a Day! :D

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Hi! This is the a post about my  IT 1 Lab experience last April 7, 2015. During this time, my mind was still on a long vacation. Hahaha. I was not yet ready to face acads again but then I have to! This day was Back-To-Reality Day again! Hahaha. Anyway, our lab activity was about Introduction to Programming! Every time I  encounter the word "programming" , I always associate it with computer experts and such so this day I felt like a was a computer expert! I don't know why, but it was a challenging experience! Hahaha. To be honest, I hate codes, running programs, doing technical stuffs related to computer and gadgets, that's why I was not that interested about the topic at first. But then, as the discussion continued, I find it interesting and a little fun! Hahaha. During our lab exercise we failed to perfectly finish our job but I really had fun! It was a group effort and for a beginner like us,it was not a bad experience at all. :) 

Holy Week :)

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:57 AM 0 comments
What did I do last holy week vacation? I went home to our province!! I'm really happy to be back home again after several months! I was able to have fun with my family and friends and of course to spend most of my time doing religious activities and remembering Jesus and His sacrifices! During the Good Friday, I joined the Way of the Cross, a tradition in our place in which you have the walk 40 km up to Mt. Mayon! It was tiring and I ended up having swollen feet, yet it was worth it because it was just a small act of sacrifice! The body pain that I got was just a small portion of what Papa Jesus feel when He was punished and crucified! :( I really had a blessed and happy Holy Week! I hope you had a blessed one too :) 

A day of puzzles and mazes!!! ♥

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:48 AM 0 comments
Hi! It's been a while since I last updated this blog! :)) This is post is about my IT 1 Lab adventure last March  24, 2015. We discussed about Introduction to Problem Solving! I thought it was about those shitty numbers and equations again, but the good thing is, it is not what I thought! Hahaha. I was shocked to see that it is about solving puzzles and mazes, with IT 1 touch! Hahaha. For us to solve the problem we must first THINK! Yes, think and figure out how to make that little white man reach the finish line! The twist is,we have limited moves! Hahaha. I really enjoyed the game and I', proud to say that I reached level 9 out of 10! Hahaha. For our exercise, it was made take home in which we are assigned to solve Puzzle 1-13 from a very fun and interactive site! It comprise of different types of puzzles and mazes with certain moves and codes! If you want to experience real fun and adventure(naks) try it too! Here is the link: http://studio.code.org/ Just sign up and enjoy! Hahaha! It is a good mind exercise too! :) ♥

Monday, March 23, 2015

Last Mathematical Touch...

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Hi Virtual Diary! This post is another story about my IT 1 adventure last March 17, 2015! So this is how it goes. During our lab class, we discussed about Digital Logic and Boolean Algebra. Quite obvious in its name, it involves MATH AGAIN! The activity was challenging because you really need to remember the math basics particularly proving identities and other mathematical concepts in which I hate! Kidding! Hahaha. I really don't hate math, I just don't like it. It's up to you to know the difference. Hahaha. The best part I really enjoyed about the lesson is about the operators and logic gates! It was fun to transform a simple equation into an awesome circuit filled of figures interconnected by lines. I consider it an achievement every time I interpret the figures in the circuit correctly! Yeah small happiness it is. Hahaha. Our exercise was a take home one and hopefully I answered the questions right! ;) During out IT lecture, well I enjoyed the group quizzes and the consequences faced by some of my classmates because of choosing that particular color in the Raise a Color Activity! Hahaha. Well my day started fine and ended good as well though its a little bit tiring! That's all! Looking forward for more IT adventures! Hihi ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, March 16, 2015

Numbers all the waaaay ;)

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Hi!! So I just like to share some events that happened last March 10, 2015 during our IT 1 Lab class. But first this day was extra special to me because that was just two days before my birthday! Yaaay! So during our IT lab class we first had a surprised quiz!! Yes, I was really surprised because I haven't even scanned my handouts! Hahaha. But thank God I was able to answer correctly some of the items! Hihi. But what I like the most about that quiz, was the bonus questions! I was informed that the animal in Toblerone logo is a bear and that each cat has unique nose print! How cute! Hihihi :))) So about the lesson, we discussed about Binary Arithmetic and as what the the title of this post says, it involves NUMBERS, 10110111 01001001 01010010 10101110!! Hahaha :) The lesson was fun and it was a good experience, learning about addition and subtraction with a twist! The current was cut off that day so the supposed-to-be-by-pair exercise was turned into an individual take home exercise that was due the following day. Honestly, I really enjoyed answering! Hopefully,I got the correct answers! Hahaha.♥ ♥ :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Oh... Number Systems... :)

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Hi! This is a post about my experience on our IT 1 Lab activity last March 3, 2015. We discussed about Number Systems which include binary,octal,decimal and hexadecimal. Some of the important things I learned from our discussion were binary numbers uses only 0 and 1 digits; octal numbers uses digits from 0..7.; decimal numbers uses digits from 0..9. and hex numbers uses digits from 0..9 and A..F. These main points were the foundation given in order for us to cope and learn about the challenging part: CONVERSIONS! Hahaha. Of course after every discussion there must be an assessment to test our learning, and so we had a Inter-Lab Quiz Con. We were divided to several groups consisting of 3 members each team. The questions were a bit challenging and since it was under time pressure, it gets hard. :(( But I really enjoyed the quiz con! It made me alive again! Hahaha. It ended up that our team got the lowest points yet it's perfectly okay because we had fun and learn! ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, March 2, 2015

I Thought Wrong...

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Hi virtual diary! This is a post about the highlights of my Feb. 24, 2015! During our IT 1 lab class,we discussed about the "Computer Hardware". I enjoyed learning about the parts and functions of each parts no matter how big or small they may be. The parts vary in sizes,color and shapes yet they provide special features that are useful and play an important role in order for the system and the computer to run and function.This exercise was another good learning experience for me and at the same time I was enlightened that the real "central processing unit" or commonly known as CPU is just that small square chip and not that entire big,black casing. This is mainly the reason why this post says "I thought wrong", because for many years that I've been encountering the term CPU, I would always refer to that big black casing with buttons and USB port in it, but it is not! Because the truth is, CPU is just that cutie square chip hiding inside! Hahaha! Another thing that I enjoyed about the discussion is that I learned about the meaning of some terms connected to several new inventions like gadgets of today so the next time I'm about to buy a new one, I'll be guided to what is the best thing to choose. ♥

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dear Virtual Diary,

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 2:25 AM 0 comments
    Hello! I just like to share some of the highlights of my day last February 10, 2015! Hahaha. I know it's a late post but here it is! Hahaha.
    So basically, my day started with a 7 am laboratory class of HNF 11, it is one of our major subjects in nutrition. What we did there is to watch some video clips on how to do basic cooking techniques! And yes, in this subject we're gonna learn how to cook and I'm excited about it! Haha. 
   At 10:00 am, I proceeded to the PC Lab 9 room at the 3rd floor of Physci building for my IT 1 lab class. :)) That day, we were expected to start and create our own blog,which is a major requirement that will compose 10% of our grade! And so our laboratory instructor made the necessary discussions and introduction for our exercise. :) She was hoping that all the computers would have internet connection because it is so essential in order for us to perform the said exer. Everybody was ready to start but then the internet was so slow so we have to wait and wait and wait for the webpage to load and it took us forever! JOKE! Hahaha.  Aside from the slow internet connection, my mouse won't work and my computer would automatically shut down as if it has it's own life!! Huhuhu! I have to call the attention of Ma'am Drio several times just to seek help, and thank you ma'am for your patience and assistance. Hahaha. I ended up using another computer and I'm happy that it worked perfectly fine. Hahaha. But due to the turtle-like(slooow)  internet connection, Ma'am Drio decided to make the exercise a take home task for us to do! So we went home early, having enough time to eat lunch and prepare for the other class. Yehey! :)
    At 5-6 pm, I attended the IT 1 lecture and it was fun because of the raise a color and group quizzes Ma'am Magno would give the class. :) After the lecture, I went home,eat and then travel to dreamland! :) ♥ :))


All about ME ♥ ♥ :D

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 1:47 AM 0 comments
      Hi! I'm Roan Mae Ofalsa but you can call me Rho! I'm 18 years old from Albay,Bicol. Currently, I'm taking up BS Nutrition at UP Los Banos so I stay here in LB as well. I'm on my sophomore year! I have a brother who is also studying here in UPLB and sadly we only go home to our province during semestral breaks, Christmas breaks or other long holidays. :( I was born on a sunny day of March 12, 1996. Just less than a month from now,I'll be turning nineteen, and yes I'm excited about it! I just love celebrating birthdays as much as I love the Christmas season! For me, this is always the highlight of my year! Hihi. :)) Interests? Back in highschool, I was the associate editor of our school paper and so I developed the love for writing! Haha. I'm not good in singing,dancing and drawing! I rather write different articles that do those things. Hahaha. I love pets especially cute,adorable and fluffy dogs! <3 I also like to surf the internet and just like other teens, I'm always on Facebook but I love twitter more! Hahaha. =)
      I am not really a fan of blogging or such but I'm open to learn and explore new things so I created this blog, aside from it is a requirement in IT 1. Hihihi. What else can I say about myself? Well, I'm God's princess! Haha. I'm unique! I love who I am! Haha. I love to cook, talk, write, eat, do random stuffs and add something on my daily nothings! I'm interested to meet new faces and gain more friends. I'm looking forward to experience all the wonderful adventures this life could offer!!! I love being simple! I'm really a shy type of person yet if you get to know more about me, you'll realize how crazy and fun I am to be with! Haha.I consider life as roller coaster ride! It has its ups and downs,yet it is up to you if you'll be scared all the time or just enjoy the ride!! I need not to say more because I guess I said enough. I believe in the saying that the less you reveal, the more people can wonder. Hihihi. ♥ ♥ ♥ ;)


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