Monday, April 27, 2015

Layout &Visual Models in CSS.

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Hi! Obviously this post is about our IT 1 lab activity last April 21,2015 and the post title says what it is all about. If you're still wondering what it is, well it is basically a continuation of our HTML topic because in this activity we would have to modify and design our created website. Actually, I am not yet done with my exercise because of the so many exams I have this week and I still have to review review and review! Tomorrow will be the deadline and I hope I could finish it on time! And tomorrow will also be our IT 1 2nd lecture exam! Best of luck YZ people! I hope we get better scores this time! Today, I really want to scream and shout and let all my heavy feelings out! Our HNF 11 exam a while ago made me feel so frustrated, down and sad! I feel like I carry a great and heavy load this time and it's all because of acads! I hope time would fast forward to the end of this semester! But I still have high hopes that this semester would end happily! Haaay! So that's it, I still have to review for my IT 1 exam so bye for now! ;)


Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:33 AM 0 comments
I guess you would wonder why such a post title. High school feels? Yes! Since our IT 1 lab activity last April 14,2015 was all about HTML,a sudden flashback of high school memories suddenly occurred! Hahaha. Back in high school, we were assigned to create and design a website of our own choice and style. It was a major requirement  for out Technological Livelihood Education (TLE) subject. Hahaha. Since I'm the type of person who hates codes, and any other technical stuffs, I was really not interested in doing that requirement. I tried my very best to start and create my own, but I really don't like it and I find it hard because even just a missing comma would affect the website and I easily quit! Luckily, our teacher said that the project would now be by pair, so I grabbed my classmate who was an expert on it and made him my partner! Hahaha. So there, I was able to present a website in class! Hahaha. So HTML was really not new to me, because I've encountered it before, but today, it is very much different because I have to do it on my own! Hahaha. That's why I was really proud of myself when I was able to create a simple website as our exercise! I realized that HTML is not that hard, yes it's challenging but you'll somehow enjoy doing it! ♥ ♥

Monday, April 13, 2015

Computer Expert Just for a Day! :D

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Hi! This is the a post about my  IT 1 Lab experience last April 7, 2015. During this time, my mind was still on a long vacation. Hahaha. I was not yet ready to face acads again but then I have to! This day was Back-To-Reality Day again! Hahaha. Anyway, our lab activity was about Introduction to Programming! Every time I  encounter the word "programming" , I always associate it with computer experts and such so this day I felt like a was a computer expert! I don't know why, but it was a challenging experience! Hahaha. To be honest, I hate codes, running programs, doing technical stuffs related to computer and gadgets, that's why I was not that interested about the topic at first. But then, as the discussion continued, I find it interesting and a little fun! Hahaha. During our lab exercise we failed to perfectly finish our job but I really had fun! It was a group effort and for a beginner like us,it was not a bad experience at all. :) 

Holy Week :)

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:57 AM 0 comments
What did I do last holy week vacation? I went home to our province!! I'm really happy to be back home again after several months! I was able to have fun with my family and friends and of course to spend most of my time doing religious activities and remembering Jesus and His sacrifices! During the Good Friday, I joined the Way of the Cross, a tradition in our place in which you have the walk 40 km up to Mt. Mayon! It was tiring and I ended up having swollen feet, yet it was worth it because it was just a small act of sacrifice! The body pain that I got was just a small portion of what Papa Jesus feel when He was punished and crucified! :( I really had a blessed and happy Holy Week! I hope you had a blessed one too :) 

A day of puzzles and mazes!!! ♥

Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:48 AM 0 comments
Hi! It's been a while since I last updated this blog! :)) This is post is about my IT 1 Lab adventure last March  24, 2015. We discussed about Introduction to Problem Solving! I thought it was about those shitty numbers and equations again, but the good thing is, it is not what I thought! Hahaha. I was shocked to see that it is about solving puzzles and mazes, with IT 1 touch! Hahaha. For us to solve the problem we must first THINK! Yes, think and figure out how to make that little white man reach the finish line! The twist is,we have limited moves! Hahaha. I really enjoyed the game and I', proud to say that I reached level 9 out of 10! Hahaha. For our exercise, it was made take home in which we are assigned to solve Puzzle 1-13 from a very fun and interactive site! It comprise of different types of puzzles and mazes with certain moves and codes! If you want to experience real fun and adventure(naks) try it too! Here is the link: Just sign up and enjoy! Hahaha! It is a good mind exercise too! :) ♥

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