Monday, April 27, 2015


Posted by Roan Mae Ofalsa at 4:33 AM
I guess you would wonder why such a post title. High school feels? Yes! Since our IT 1 lab activity last April 14,2015 was all about HTML,a sudden flashback of high school memories suddenly occurred! Hahaha. Back in high school, we were assigned to create and design a website of our own choice and style. It was a major requirement  for out Technological Livelihood Education (TLE) subject. Hahaha. Since I'm the type of person who hates codes, and any other technical stuffs, I was really not interested in doing that requirement. I tried my very best to start and create my own, but I really don't like it and I find it hard because even just a missing comma would affect the website and I easily quit! Luckily, our teacher said that the project would now be by pair, so I grabbed my classmate who was an expert on it and made him my partner! Hahaha. So there, I was able to present a website in class! Hahaha. So HTML was really not new to me, because I've encountered it before, but today, it is very much different because I have to do it on my own! Hahaha. That's why I was really proud of myself when I was able to create a simple website as our exercise! I realized that HTML is not that hard, yes it's challenging but you'll somehow enjoy doing it! ♥ ♥


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